Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Have a great summer!
Well, summer time is finally here, and what better place to enjoy it than in Lebanaon, at the beach or cooling off in the mountains.
Congratulations to all the teachers, coordinators, inspectors and principals who participated in this spring's workshops; now it's time to relax- you deserve it!
Many thanks to the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy who made these workshops possible. In particular, I would like to thank Ryan Gliha, Cultural Affairs Officer, for his support, and special thanks to Edith Bitar, Cultural Affairs Assistant, for all of her time and effort coordinating each of these workshops and for her interest and involvement in also attending each of them. We appreciate it!
See you in September!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Critical Thinking and Multimedia at HHHS Saida
Last week we visited Saida to review ways to continue integrating critical thinking in our curriculum, not to mention emphasizing the need to do so. We also brainstormed topics and content areas that cause students to think critically and looked at a few samples of media from the world around us that naturally seem to provoke this process in learners.
Fluency vs. Accuracy at Jib Jannine Secondary
Cooperative Learning at Al Irfan
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Blogging for Makassed
Congratulations to Mrs. Samira and her students at Makassed School Ali bin Abi Talib for their pioneering work in setting up blogs for additional communication outside the classroom and over the summer. She gathered up twenty or so of her students, who had the most experience with computers, from her different classes to attend a two-hour session Wednesday morning at the school’s computer lab. By the end of that time, each student walked out with new accounts at, newly created blogs, and a set of basic skills for managing postings, comments and links. Many of the students, with a wide variety of computer skills, were already uploading pictures to their blogs, editing their personal profiles and sending comments to each others’ blogs.
The students who attended the workshop now have the responsibility of explaining to the other students in their classes how to become successful, productive bloggers, and I’m sure they’ll do a great job. (Let’s give Mrs. Samira and her students some time to get acquainted with the variety of applications these new tools can have, and maybe after some time, we can take a look at some of them. Bravo!)
NB: Makassed Schools in Beirut were the first to host the workshop on Using Technology in the Language Classroom, with an impressive turnout of forty plus teachers, in March, before we were posting pictures and updates of recent workshops. We didn’t forget that day, and applaud your teachers and students for applying what they’ve learned.
Speaking fluently in Halba
The subject of Fluency vs. Accuracy got discussion rolling at Halba Secondary after a fluency activity involving peer evaluation. It seems like we need to organize our classes to make sure we are allowing our students opportunities to use the language they are learning to speak and write (and not just learning about), to reduce TTT (teacher talk time), and to make sure- when we teachers are talking- that it is English-only (with needed visual aids and actions to help our students follow)!
Teaching each other and learning together at Tripoli Evangelical School
Cooperative learning might be rewarding and beneficial for students, but it is not easy work- especially when you are moving all around the room trying out several different techniques in one day! At Tripoli Evangelical School, we reviewed ten different strategies for organizing group work and tried out the better part of those. Teachers, don’t forget to explore how you might be able to work some webquests into your curriculum!
PS: Here’s that link I promised you:
Friday, May 12, 2006
Learning Collaboratively in Nabatieh
Apply to study and teach in the US!
Debating Fluency vs. Accuracy in Rashaya
Saturday, April 29, 2006
A great turn-out to review fluency activities at Al Irfan!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Talking in Tyr- Camdous School teachers consider Continuous Assessment
Math, Science and English teachers met yesterday, after a hard day's work, to look at ways they can further implement the concept of Continuous Assessment in their classes. We thought about ways students can be prompted take more ownership of their learning through self-reflection and peer evaluation. We also considered some alternatives to traditional testing methods. Good luck- assessment is an ongoing process!